The video game industry has a market value of nearly $17 billion. That's a lot of money to spread around among multiple video game companies. The industry is expected to grow to about $20 billion by 2019. Most games are played on a PS4 or Xbox One. And Microsoft's profits don't stop with the Xbox console. Minecraft is cheaper and has a wider audience. GTA 5 may not have the same appeal to the fourth-grade teacher in Wichita who owns a PS4 or Xbox. Whereas Minecraft remains relatively cheap and appealing. Most serious PS4 and Xbox fans will have both games in their collection.

GTA 5 shipped

The ranking of GTA 5 and Minecraft for the best selling game of all time is mixed. It really depends on who is judging. It was ranked fourth behind Minecraft. Surprisingly, both games were beaten by Wii Sports and Tetris, another old game. GTA 5 has sold about 65 million copies since 2013. Not too shabby for three years in the video game market. Minecraft has sold 73 million copies. But when you compare AAA releases at full price, GTA 5 is the best game by far. And PS4 fans love it for their console.

Why Minecraft is Best for Xbox and PS4 Fans

Pink Sheep mustache aside, Minecraft is better than GTA 5 in many ways. It has a bigger world to explore and the graphics are better. This may depend on your console, as some games perform better on a PS4 than on an Xbox, such as Dark Souls 3. Minecraft is cheaper. For half the price, you get more. It also offers more play time. Once you beat GTA 5, that's about it. But it will keep you going through the sleepless nights. More multiplayer options are available for Minecrafters than most games on the market.

Microsoft's master plan

After acquiring Minecraft for $2.5 billion, the tech company has revolutionized it. There is even an educational version available worldwide. This has led to global domination of GTA 5. GTA 5 is one of the best-selling games of all time. But it still hasn't surpassed Minecraft. This may leave PS4 and Xbox fans with mixed feelings. But things are changing fast in the gaming industry.